Why I started Blogging
Hi everyone at last half term has come before us YAY. We can now sleep in not here that annoying alarm clock in the morning, not bother doing our makeup or hair and just stay in our PJS all day drinking coffee and tea while watching your favourite Netflix series on repeat in the dark like a vampire.( guilty pleasure) welcome to my life. Anyway this blogpost isn't about me venting to you guys about my sad but everyone does it half term but why I started blogging. My last post was my dream for the next 5 years blog related I thought I tell you why I started. Here goes hope you like !
I was watching YouTube like any girl my age does looking at all the inspirational video these pretty girls do and then I heard my mum say Zoella ( big inspiration) has just gone and bought a million pound mansion. I thought to myself I love Zoella's blog and YouTube channel and thought to myself why not it will be fun. So I started my blog. I was bit sad at first when no one was reading it but I waited I joined bloglovin and my blog started to grow I so happy when I started getting such and such pageviews a day and I didn't want to let you guys down I started to commit more and make this something big and I really am from the bottom of my heart so passionate about my blog. When people comment I so pleased as I love reaching out to you guys. You can ask me anything email me about friends, advice anything I'm always happy to talk and trust me my friends will tell you that I certainly not afraid to talk! I'll put my email address down below. At school I love English anyway and blogging is a great way to get things of your chest and improve your English skills. So all these reason add up for me blogging and I'm definitely not gonna stop now so tell your friends and keep reading and we can have a chat. Gossip Girls we can be bit all good things ( Netflix reference I'm so bad!)
Hope this enlighten you about why I'm sitting here at my desk typing away on my laptop when the smells of onion come from downstairs to blog for you. I'll do a girly advice series if you like giving you advice with friends and some personal experience and other good stuff keep reading and have good half term and make sure you have some me time.
Email- erinhacker16@gmail.com
Instagram- tumblr_.girl16 ( just refreshed)
Youtube channel- Vintage Haxs
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Erin x
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