Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Just wanted to say HIIII !!

Hello, I'm so haaaapppyyyy !!!!!! We did it on my blog we've got over 1000 views I know that over like tons of months but it's a start right. My next challenge for you is if we could get on one month 100 views..... ? If we did then I would answer any question you ask ( under restriction). So if you read my blog share it or tell a friend.

So I wanted to tell you that but I'll just say your all amazing people, your beautiful, smart and to all your friends your the best. Your my big blog family we're the Vintage Babes. Remember whatever anyone else says if your ever sad, hurt or just need someone to talk to speak to me over email, ( contact form) or Instagram- tumblr_.girl16   Hope you've had a fab day and hope this is a good way to end your day. Don't forget my YouTube- Vintage Haxs. Overall don't forget to smile

What to do when your bored in summer

Hi everyone, I know summer coming to the end and all but these last weeks will be when your bored as you've done all the exciting things you've already done. This is a list of all the things you could do comment below any other ideas which I would appreciated.  I'm going to try and fit a school series in but I'm very busy at the moment. Hope you like your beautiful and a wonderful person.

1- Hangout with friends
2- Go shopping with friends
3- Have a picnic in the summer sun
4- Try something new
5- Read a new book
6- Write your own book or song
7- Go on a walk
8- Take a risk, do something which you are scared off and try to defeat them I've wrote a post about how to face them.
9- Go swimming
10- Go school supplies shopping
11- Do a DIY project
12-  Have a pamper evening
13- Go to the beach
14- Bake something
15-  Cuddle with pets
16- Go see a movie
17- Raise money for a charity
18- Spend some quality time with family
19- Relax
20- Netflix, popcorn, PJ day

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